The rituals and practices of Sanatana Dharma hold a depth that goes beyond mere logical interpretation. Many of you may have already felt the profound effects of chanting the Argala Stotra. These practices touch us on physical, emotional, and intellectual levels, creating a holistic transformation.
It's important to recognize that these practices have been the foundation for Yogis and Sadhaks throughout history. I want to share these with you in a straightforward way so you can easily incorporate them into your daily life. If you commit to practicing these three methods for just one month, you may find a noticeable difference and transformation in your well-being. You're not alone on this journey, and embracing these practices can truly enrich your life.
First: The Morning Sun worship
Aadityasya Namaskaram Ye Kurvanti Dine Dine | Janmantara Sahasreshu Daridryam Nopajayate(Those who salute the Sun daily will not experience poverty over many lifetimes.)
Surya Atma Jagatasthushcha
(The Sun is the soul of all animate and inanimate beings. Surya is the life-giver and the destroyer of diseases. He sustains the world with his energy.)
How to offer Arghya:
Face east at sunrise (till around 9 AM), fill a vessel or pot with clean water, hold the pot at forehead level, and slowly pour the water while chanting Surya mantras (below), focusing on the sun rays passing through the water.
Mantra to chant while offering Arghya:
ॐ मित्राय नमः। ॐ mitrāya namaḥ|
ॐ रवये नमः। ॐ ravaye namaḥ|
ॐ सूर्याय नमः। ॐ sūryāya namaḥ|
ॐ भानवे नमः। ॐ bhānave namaḥ|
ॐ खगाय नमः। ॐ khagāya namaḥ|
ॐ पूष्णे नमः। ॐ pūṣṇe namaḥ|
ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः। ॐ hiraṇyagarbhāya namaḥ|
ॐ मरीचये नमः। ॐ marīcaye namaḥ|
ॐ आदित्याय नमः। ॐ ādityāya namaḥ|
ॐ सवित्रे नमः। ॐ savitre namaḥ|
ॐ अर्काय नमः। ॐ arkāya namaḥ|
ॐ भास्कराय नमः। ॐ bhāskarāya namaḥ|
Second: Ritual for satisfying the ancestors
We all have debts to ancestors, Devas, Rishis and other divine beings. This is the simplest way to satiate them and pay homage to them. Many people have Pitru Dosha in their horoscope, which delays their marriage or children, and sometimes creates problems in health, prosperity etc. That is simply because the debts pending to the Devas, Rishis and ancestors are not paid off. This one simple act of 2 minutes can purify your Karmic bondage and Karmic debts to a large extent.
What is Tarpana?
Tarpana, in simple terms, is providing water to Devas, Rishis, and other divine beings and ancestors. Why water? Because it conveys our emotion of gratitude to them, thereby gradually redeeming us of most of our debts to them. Tarpana in its entirety is a 1-2 hours long process with many ingredients involved - like Durva, Sesame seeds, Kalash, Akshatha, Coins, Gold, etc. There are a lot of intricate steps involved, like changing the direction of sitting, changing Janeu's position, etc.
So it is better to do this simple ritual than not doing it altogether. Rituals are supposed to be internalised, and that is why this 2-minute procedure is more than enough.
How to do this Tarpana?
Video Link here - Click Here
1. You can do this every day or on any day of Pitru Paksha.
2. All women and men of all ages can do. You can do Tarpana even if your parents are fit and alive. There are other ancestors, Devas and Rishis, to whom Tarpana is provided.
3. Best to do in the morning. Or any time before afternoon. Take bath in morning. Wear fresh clothes.
4. First, say a small prayer. "To the best of my abilities, I am hereby offering Tarpana to all the Devas, Rishis, other divine beings and all my Pitris. Please accept this Tarpana, which I am doing with utter sincerity, and stay satisfied. Guide me in my journey and accomplishments of goals."
5. Now, taking some water in the right palm, drop it via the front four fingers while saying "ॐ Devāḥ Tṛpyantām" (ॐ देवाः तृप्यन्ताम्). It means you are offering water to all the Devas and keeping them satiated. (Refer to video for pronunciation)
6. The important point here is you should visualise them to be satiated and satisfied. You should feel and internalise that feeling that they are satisfied. Please do not do it half-heartedly or without dedication.
7. Now, in the same way, drop water again via the front four fingers while saying "ॐ Saptarṣayaḥ Tṛpyantām" (ॐ सप्तर्षयः तृप्यन्ताम्). It means you are offering water to all the Sapta Rishis and keeping them satiated. (Refer to video for pronunciation)
8. Now, take some water again and drop it via the region below the little finger, while saying “ॐ Rṣayo Divya Manuṣyāḥ Tṛpyantām” (ॐ ऋषयो दिव्य मनुष्याः तृप्यन्ताम्). You have to do this twice. It means you are offering water to all other Rishis and other Divine beings and keeping them satiated.
9. Now, again take some water and drop it via the region between index finger and thumb, while saying “ ॐ pitaraḥ tṛpyantām tebhyaḥ svādhā namaḥ| tebhyaḥ svādhā namaḥ| tebhyaḥ svādhā namaḥ
10. Now put some more water and wash both your palms.
11. Again, do a small prayer. "I have hereby completed this Tarpana to the best of my abilities to all the Devas, Rishis, other divine beings and all my Pitris. Please stay satisfied and shower your entire grace upon me. Guide me in my journey and accomplishments of goals."
12. Rituals are a means to convey emotion and communicate with higher consciousness. So it has be done with a dedicated and strong intention. If you are half-hearted and doing it mechanically, then there is no point. During the entire process of Tarpana, I want you to feel satisfied mentally and emotionally that you are paying off everyone's debts by doing this, Tarpana.
If you have any questions, let us know in the Instagram post or Instagram reel related to Pitru Paksha.
Third: Chanting everyday
Argala Stotra and others
Benefits of Argala and How it impacts us - Click Here
How combination of two Stotras can shoot up the results - Click Here
How Stotras help you manifest your desires - Click Here
These three spiritual practices for 2025 do we have to do every day specifically the second one tarpana. I have been chanting argala strotram every day. Offering jal to surya dev as well. But what about tarpana. Please guide so I can start.
please write a blog on kuldevi pooja and procedure pls. Thank You.
Thank you so much sir.iam learning many things from you and changing my life.and moreover iam knowing my life perpus. Thank you once again.
Thank you very much for sharing this information with us, howevwer i have some query like,
what is the sequence of the above ritual?
Is it Surya Arghya- Tarpana – chanting argala Stotra, or Surya Arghya – chanting argala Stotra- tarpana?
Also please write a blog on kuldevi pooja and procedure pls. Thank You.