Letters Through the Window Sill!
One evening, I was overwhelmed with an incredible feeling of restlessness.
It was a mediocre Sunday, and the morning routine was sluggish. I did my favourite sadhana in the evening to brush off the lethargic outlook. However, I was not feeling at ease and in place for some reason.
There was a large part of me that I could not communicate with through my posts, social media, and books.
Then finally, it dawned upon me to write down my feelings in letters - letters not addressed to anyone specifically but a spontaneous outpouring. That's when I started this column on my website - 'Letters through the Window Sill'.
I will write here often, as and when it comes to me. I usually begin by finding a quiet spot (usually beside the window of my room overlooking the sky) to be alone with my thoughts. I let my mind wander and allow my emotions to surface without judgment. Then, with my fingers on my keyboard, I pour out my thoughts and feelings, letting the words flow naturally and without restraint.
Best Regards
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A long time ago, I was at a temple in Haridwar. It was a small temple, sparingly accommodating around 15-20 people. Shortly after I entered, I saw a man come with...
4 commentsThe biggest problem with Sanatana Dharma!
A long time ago, I was at a temple in Haridwar. It was a small temple, sparingly accommodating around 15-20 people. Shortly after I entered, I saw a man come with...